Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

With eXtreme Ball the event coordinator and Mr Ball your host, the following will be available for your kiddies parties, whether in the week or over weekends.
1. Indoor Soccer
2. Indoor Bounce Ball
3. Indoor Broom Ball
4. Indoor Netball
5. Indoor Beach Ball Soccer
6. Indoor Volley Ball
7. Indoor Touch Rugby
8. Indoor Chip and Putter

Great environment for adults to socialise and feel confident that their kiddies are in a secure environment and keeping healthy and expending some energy.

No problem if parents want to take on the kiddies for a little “friendly”. There is no extra charge for adults, whether playing or watching, everybody welcome.

Additional Options, we are able to source

Face painters

Balloon Specialists


Jumping Castles

Birthday Cakes

Scones and Muffins

Send an email to listing your requirements and dates or phone 081 311 9884